Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between Raw and Pasteurized Milk?
A: Raw milk - Milk that comes straight from the cow. Pasteurized milk –Pasteurized milk is raw milk heated to 72 Degrees Celsius for 15 seconds and then rapidly chilled back to ± 4 Degrees Celsius.

Q: How long does Pasteurized Milk last?
A: Zaaiberg Dairy Pasteurized Milk has as a shelf life of at least 10 days after processing and can last another two to four day after sell by date, if refrigerated properly.

Q: To which areas does Zaaiberg Dairy Deliver?
A: Mostly to Mpumalanga and Kwazulu-Natal

Q: How much milk does a Jersey Cow Produce daily?
A: Jersey cows produce on average of between 20 and 22 litres of milk a day, but this can be much higher, depending on their feed and weather conditions.Our Zaaiberg Jersey Herd averages up to 28litres /day, due to the balanced rations and top world genetics

Q: What is the difference between Cream cheese and Cottage Cheese?
A: Zaaiberg Cottage cheese is made with milk as the main ingredient. Cottage cheese gets its texture by adding heat and cheese culture, to the pasteurized milk, which starts the curdling process. The curd is separated from the whey. A Buttermilk dressing is added to the remaining curd, to give it that classic cottage cheese flavour. Zaaiberg Cream cheese is made with the same process as Zaaiberg Cottage cheese, except that a Cream Dressing is added, instead of the Buttermilk Dressing.
Zaaiberg Cream Cheese has a higher butter fat level than cottage cheese.

Q: What is the best milk for coffee?
A: Fresh Jersey Full Cream Barista milk, is the perfect Milk for any coffee or espresso drink. It has a higher cream (butterfat) level and a higher protein level, than normal Full Cream Milk and the best foaming qualities and creamy taste.